Professional tooth whitening for white teeth and a radiant smile
The desire for white teeth and a radiant smile is becoming increasingly important in today’s society. Therefore, bleaching has become an uncomplicated, efficient and cost-effective method for quick and gentle teeth whitening for many patients.
he teeth are constantly exposed to external and internal influences and therefore constantly experience changes in colour, e.g. caused by coffee, tea or nicotine, can be effectively removed by cleaning the teeth with a gentle polish. In many people, however, the natural tooth colour under the plaque is discoloured by pigments in the tooth substance. In such cases, tooth bleaching is the right treatment option. The unwanted pigments in the tooth are gently bleached and the tooth becomes permanently white from the inside.
Which bleaching method is used depends on the individual indication of the patient.
Internal bleaching
This involves whitening a devitalised tooth that has become dark in colour as a result of root canal treatment. This is done with an inlay in the tooth, which is left in place for about a week. Once the desired result has been achieved, the inserted material is removed and the tooth is sealed. This can be repeated if necessary.
This method is used in practice for more severe discolouration if you want a quick result (approx. 1 hour). Higher concentrations of bleaching gel are used here. To protect the gums, a liquid rubber dam is first applied to the gum line and hardened. The gel is then applied. After the application time, the bleaching gel is carefully removed. This method can also be repeated as required.
You will receive a customised tray and the bleaching gel to use at home. After appropriate information and an explanation of the handling, you can apply the bleaching yourself.
An impression of your teeth is made to produce the customised bleaching tray, which our dental technician then uses to produce your tray for the upper and lower jaw. After a few days, you will receive the finished trays and the medical bleaching gel and can start the application. This method is much gentler than power bleaching and can be used until the desired result is achieved.
To note
Kronen, Kunststofffüllungen oder Brücken lassen sich nicht mittels Bleaching aufhellen. Diese können aber nach der Zahnaufhellung in der neuen Zahnfarbe ersetzt werden.
Beim Bleaching wird dem Zahn durch die chemische Reaktion Wasser entzogen, es kommt zu einer Austrocknung. Diese kann zu Heiß-/Kalt- Missempfindungen führen. Deshalb führen wir nach dem Bleaching eine Intensivfluoridierung durch welche zu einer Rehydratation und Remineralisation des Zahnes führt.
Nach dem Bleaching wird eine Schicht hochkonzentriertes Fluoridgel auf die Zähne aufgetragen welche die Zähne intensiv fluoridiert, remineralisiert und für mehrere Tage vor kariösen Säureangriffen schützt. Die Schicht auf der Zahnoberfläche verringert zudem Missempfindungen.
Auf diese Weise erreichen Sie sicher und effektiv die gewünschte Aufhellung Ihrer Zähne – für ein strahlendes Lächeln.